Faculty Senate Subcommittees

Faculty Senate Subcommittees


The Subcommittee on Curriculum will review and advise on curriculum related issues. This subcommittee will collect and disseminate course and program information across colleges and schools. It will address issues of significant overlap and redundancies as well as the campus impact of constructing or deconstructing curricula. The subcommittee will also review and advise on curriculum proposals by one unit that affect degree requirements in another college unit prior to those changes taking effect.

Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities

The Subcommittee on Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities will provide a forum for internal discussion, initiate policies touching on research matters, gather and disseminate information to the faculty, and provide a faculty voice to administration on matters pertaining to research. This subcommittee will review and articulate the research mission of UMD; provide a forum for exchange of perspectives and experiences among the community of researchers; identify standards and benchmarks of good practice in research, identify desirable resources, practices, and policies for further enhancement of the research and creative climate at the university; and review and report annually on the effectiveness of university policies and practices regarding research. The committee will foster the development of continued communication with the Administration and make recommendations to the appropriate standing committee or council.

Graduate Council

The UMD Graduate Council is the executive governing body for all aspects of graduate education at UMD, including curriculum and instruction, assessment of student learning, program review, and student affairs. It is advisory to the administration and the Faculty Council. The Graduate Council fosters communication with the administration (chancellor, vice chancellors) and makes recommendations to standing committees or councils.

Liberal Education

The Liberal Education Subcommittee is charged with overseeing the campus’ liberal education program. The Liberal Education Subcommittee works with other educational committees to review and strive toward continuous improvement of liberal education at UMD.  The subcommittee will report to as well as act on behalf of the Teaching & Learning Committee.  Specifically, the subcommittee will: revise and oversee the course submission process for courses to become part of the Liberal Education Program (LEP); review, accept or reject all courses proposed for inclusion in the LEP; monitor the LEP and make recommendations to the Teaching & Learning Committee relative to issues such as: (a) numbers of courses per category; (b) seat availability; (c) representation of courses at 1xxx-4xxx levels; (d) departmental and college representation, and so forth; monitor the patterns of petitions for substitutions and advise EVCAA for future action and maintain channels of communication with the Assessment Subcommittee.